Wow, am I the only one who sees a legitimate crisis happening? I’ve been called a ‘conspiracy theorist’ and all-round nut too many times to not believe that society is suffering from normalcy bias. First we see a ‘novel virus’ resulting in the shutdown of our entire economy, then oil pipelines shut down with the resulting fuel shortages. Then comes fertilizer shortages, payments to farmers to NOT produce, and new USDA regulations further stifling their productivity which, of course, results in food inflation and shortages.

Take all these issues any way you wish, but now we have roadblocks being placed before homesteaders attempting to provide food for their families.


It must have been at least a decade ago that Agriculture Commissioner Lorraine Merrill was the guest speaker at Small and Beginner Farmers Annual Meeting in Plymouth. My most memorable take away from her presentation was the fact that New Hampshire produces only enough food to feed 4 to 6 percent of our state’s population. Considering that our average meal travels 1,500 miles and many independent truckers have indicated that they will simply park their trucks once diesel costs $6 a gallon, It’s going to be quite a shock to folks when they realize food doesn’t originate in grocery stores.

UPDATE: Watch this 3 minute followup to the above video: