Why Are So Many Farmers Markets Failing ?

The comfortable answer is “because the market is saturated”, but there are many more subtle economic reasons. This is my attempt at answers for why so many local markets have closed.

      • Farmers markets charge fees for participation since there are usually additional costs involved such as management, advertising, facility rental etc.
      • Most, if not all, markets require participants to provide proof of liability insurance for their products. Typical coverage required is a million dollar policy, sometimes more.

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Stuffed and ready for the oven

Thank goodness we don’t harvest poultry very often. I forgot how long it takes to set up and clean up afterward. The actual event went smoothly however and my estimate regarding weight was right on! The tom came in at 35.3 lbs and the hen at 25.8 lbs. Both birds went into refrigeration and we went out again to clean the chicken coop and spread dry shavings. We carved all the meat off the hen to grind and package in one pound freezer bags – ended up with almost sixteen pounds.

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Perhaps it’s because time is going by so quickly these days, or maybe because my memory is fading. Regardless of the cause, I decided to start a sort of diary of daily (or likely weekly) events that occur here on the farm. In today’s vernacular it’s called a ‘blog’, so here I am on day one…

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